Gluten is a protein which is abundantly found in Wheat, Rye and Barley. Products made of these grains contain gluten, naturally, until otherwise stated.
Nowadays there are increased situations of a certain population being allergic or intolerant to gluten as it is raising health concerns, especially with digestive issues.
Such health concerns may range from bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), Celiac conditions and so on.
Gluten protein by nature is considered as a binding agent and helps in deriving soft & fluffy bakery products and Indian breads.
Gluten is hard to digest. For a normal person with regular Gluten ingestion, it sticks to the inner walls of intestines and damages the intestinal villi. Villi are hairlike projections in Small Intestines meant to absorb nutrients before being discharged out of the body leading malabsorption and bacterial imbalances.
For a person being intolerant/ allergic to gluten, a slight intake of gluten can trigger a chain reaction marked by skin rashes, itching.